
The Imaginary-Real Bar on 20 Oct

シュテフィ・リヒターと毛利嘉孝の空想=現実BAR / The Imaginary-Real Bar, hosted by Steffi Richter and Yoshitaka Mori


高円寺なんとかBAR: https://www.shirouto.org/nantokabar/

English follows: 

元ピンクフロイドのロジャー・ウォーターズの新曲「The Bar」に触発されて、『闘う日本学』のシュテフィ・リヒター(ライプツィヒ大)が毛利嘉孝(芸大)とともに、5年ぶりにナントカBARに帰ってくる!「バーは頭の中にある場所で、想像上の場所だ。けれども、現実の場所なんだ」”The bar is a place in my head, an imaginary place, but it’s also a real place” (Roger Waters, “The Bar” 2022)。ドイツから持ち込んだスペシャルなお酒とともにお待ちしています。

Steffi Richter and Yoshitaka Mori are back to Nantoka Bar, Koenji for the first time in 5 years, inspired by Roger Waters’ (ex-Pink Floyd) new song: The BAR (2022). “The bar is a place in my head, an imaginary place, but it’s also a real place. There are bars all over the world. In my head, it’s a place where you can go maybe have a drink, certainly meet your friends, and hopefully meet strangers as well. And you can exchange opinions with strangers and friends with no fear or favor, and it’s somewhere where you are welcome and where you can exchange your love for your fellow man without fear whatsoever.” Good drinks Steffi brought from Berlin and foods are waiting for you. 

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